Monday, 19 November 2007

Pow Wow - WOW!

Pow Wow was a magical day. We marched into the Pow Wow arena as the proud Iroquois Nation in our authentic costumes. We did a special dance to honor the harvest of the "The Three Sisters" (corn, beans, squash) with our turtle shell rattles, and then danced and sang to the "Dance of the Skunk" and the "Sunset Song." Chief Chets Creek danced and Chief Jumping Frog told us a special story. After we had pictures made, we spent the rest of the day in Centers hearing about the great outdoors, tasting native foods, making clay medallions and painting with native dyes. We went on a Scavenger Hunt for things Native American boys and girls would have looked for, and SingUm Song helped us keep the beat with drums. We went into the great teepee where Peaceful Waters told us about the great paintings inside the tent and invited us to share something we were thankful for. It was a WONDERFUL day. Below are some of our Pow Wow photos. If you have digital photos that you would like to share with the class, just e-mail them to Mrs. T at as an attachment and she will add them to our collage below.

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